Statutes of the CHINESE R&D
§1 Overview
(1). The name of the association is "Chinese R&D Innovation Union on Germany", in short "CFEID"(hereinafter also referred to as "Association").
联盟名称是中国(德国)研发创新联盟(一下简称联盟),简称创新联盟。德语名称:CHINESISCHE F&E INNOVATIONSUNION IN DEUTSCH-
(2). The association is to be entered in the register of associations. After registration, it shall bear the suffix "e.V." to its name.
(3). The association is based in Berlin, Germany.
(4). The fiscal year is the calendar year.
(5). The association is a non-profit association and a voluntary federation of research organizations, companies, associations and individuals involved in
innovation and research in Germany.
(6). In compliance with the Basic Law and the legal regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany, the association promotes the non-profit cooperation
between Germany and China in the field of technological innovations. cooperation between Germany and China in the field of technological innova-
§2 Vereinszweck und Tätigkeitsfelder
(1). The association pursues non-profit purposes. The purpose of the association is the promotion of the German-Chinese relationship, science and rese-
arch, joint innovation, technology transfer and non-profit cooperation. In order to promote the technical and scientific exchange between Chinese and
German-Chinese companies in Germany and to promote research cooperation between these companies and local enterprises and local German pa-
rtners, and thus to achieve the promotion of science and research, the "Chinese R&D Innovation Union in Germany" was founded. This statutory pur-
pose is to be achieved through the following activities:
1. Conducting scientific events and organizing conferences. It is planned to hold at least one large working conference per year. annually.
2. Implementation of seminars. It is planned to hold seminars on technological topics at irregular intervals.
3. Organization of technology-related visits and excursions.
4. Coordination and organization of application for and implementation of cooperation projects.
5. Promote technical exchange and cooperation within and outside the association.
(2). The association is selflessly active; it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes.
(3). The Association's funds may only be used for the purposes set out in the Articles of Association. The members do not receive any benefits from the
association's funds.
(4). No person may benefit from expenses that are alien to the purpose of the association or from disproportionately high remuneration.
§3 Membership
(1). Membership in the Association is voluntary. Members must accept the statutes of the association.
(2). Only Chinese companies registered in (1) Germany, (2) Sino-German joint ventures, (3) associations, (4) persons and (5) companies directly or indir-
ectly joint ventures, (3)associations, (4) individuals, and (5) companies with their registered office in Germany that are direct or indirect affiliated com-
panies of Chinese companies, with the status of an independent corporation, in particular companies with their own. Research Center, shall be. Other
companies registered in Germany and companies registered in China, research organizations, associations as well as persons engaged in Sino- Ger-
man cooperation in innovation and research can become contact members.
(3). Full members have the following, equal rights:
1. Participate in discussions and voting on important decisions regarding the development of the Association.
2. Active and passive right to vote in the elections of the association body.
3. Application for a seat on the Board of Directors.
4. Proposals to amend the bylaws.
5. Proposals for the appointment of persons to the expert commission.
6. Suggestions for holding general meetings to the Board and Secretariat.
7. Contribution of suggestions and criticism as well as monitoring of the association's work.
8. Proposal of innovative project ideas.
9. Participate in Board-organized academic exchanges and technology trainings and share information.
10.Sharing of the association's preferential right in applications for projects of the Chinese Ministry of Science as well as of organizations of German
Chinese technology cooperation and other organizations.
11. Voluntary joining and leaving the association.
12. Right of proposal for the admission of new members.
13. Other rights established by the association.
(4). Contact members have the following rights:
1. Contribution of suggestions and criticism as well as monitoring of the association's work.
2. Proposals for the appointment of persons to the expert commission.
3. Proposal of innovative project idea.
4. Participate in Board-organized academic exchanges and technology trainings and share information.
5. Sharing of the association's preferential right in applications for projects of the Chinese Ministry of Science as well as of organizations of German
Chinese technology cooperation and other organizations.
6. Voluntary joining and leaving the association.
7. Right of proposal for the admission of new members.
8. Other rights established by the association.
(5). Duties of all members:
1. Respecting the association's statutes, implementing association resolutions, preserving the legitimate interests of the association.
2. Active participation in and support of events of the association and the work of the working groups as well as involvement in the establishment of
the association.
3. Continuous development of an experimentation platform within the association that is used jointly by the members and possibly third parties.
4. Preserve intangible property rights and copyrights of the Association from infringement.
5. Preservation of technological secrets of the association.
6. Members are prohibited from conducting activities or events in the name of the Association without the written consent of the Association.
carry out.
7. Timely payment of membership dues.
8. Observance of all the rules of the association.
(6). Admission and termination of membership
The board of directors decides on the admission of members upon written application. The resignation of a member takes place by written expla-
nation to the board of directors with a notice period of three months to the end of the business year.
§4 Membership dues
(1). Annual dues are levied from the members. For the financing of special projects, contributions of up to twice the amount of the annual of the annual
membership fee.
(2). The amount and due date of admission fees, annual dues and apportionments shall be determined by the General Meeting.
(3). The Board of Directors may, in appropriate cases, waive or defer fees, dues, and assessments in whole or in part.
§5 Association organization
The organs of the association are the general meeting, the board and the secretariat. In addition, an expert commission is established which serves
the association as an advisory body.
§6 Composition, areas of responsibility and meetings of the General Meeting
(1). Composition of the General Assembly:
The general meeting is composed of all members of the association. The general meeting is the highest body of the highest body of the association.
(2). Terms of reference of the general meeting:
1. Establishment and amendment of the Articles of Association
2. Participative definition of the development plan and the direction of work of the association.
3. Approval of the budget prepared by the Secretariat for the next fiscal year; receipt of the annual report of the Board of Directors; Discharge of the
Board of Management
4. Determination and modification of the membership fee rate
5. Decision on amendment and dissolution of the association
6. Election and dismissal of members of the Executive Board
7. Decision on the exclusion of members in appeal cases
8. Decision on other important issues of the association, as far as they arise from the statutes or according to the law
9. Review and approval of the annual budget and the year-end report
(3). Rules of the meeting of the General Assembly:
1. The general meeting makes decisions by assemblies. Each ordinary member has one vote in the general meeting.
2. Two types of general meeting are distinguished, the annual general meeting and the unscheduled general meeting. Both are convened by the chair-
man of the board or the secretariat on the instructions of the chairman of the board with a notice period of two weeks in writing or by electronic mail,
stating the agenda. The period shall commence on the working day following the dispatch of the invitation. day following the dispatch of the letter of
invitation. The letter of invitation shall be deemed to have been received by the member if it is sent in writing or by electronic mail to the last address
the last address given by the member to the Association in writing or by electronic mail. The agenda is set by the Board of Directors.
3. The Annual General Meeting is held once a year. During the non-meeting period, due to important events, an unscheduled meeting may be conven-
ed upon the proposal of at least one third of the members or of the Board of Directors. An extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened by the
Board of Directors in particular if the interests of the Association so require.
4. The general meeting requires the participation of a simple majority of the members; only then is it quorate. In the event of a lack of quorum, the bo-
ard is obliged to convene a second general meeting with the same agenda within two weeks; this meeting shall constitute a quorum regardless of
the number of members present. This must be pointed out in the invitation.
联盟大会需要半数以上成员参加。 若在两周之内,召开第二次同样议题的会议,参会人数不受半数以上限制。 该点应在会议邀请信里注明。
5. The General Meeting shall be chaired by the Chairman or, if he is unable to do so, by the Vice-Chairman. If no member of the Board of Directors is
present, the meeting shall appoint the chairman of the meeting.
会员大会由联盟主席主持,如果不能,则由副主席主持。 如果没有理事会成员,则由会议确定主席。
6. Decisions of the General Meeting require at least a two-thirds majority of the valid votes cast;
Abstentions are considered invalid votes; a tie vote means rejection. The manner of voting shall be determined by the chairman of the meeting. Vot-
ing must be conducted in writing if one third of the members present and entitled to vote request this.
7. Each member may request an addition to the agenda from the Executive Board in writing or by electronic mail no later than one week before a Gen-
eral Meeting. The chairman of the meeting shall announce the addition at the beginning of the general meeting.
8. The Assembly decides on requests for additions to the agenda made at General Assemblies.
9. In elections, the candidate who has received more than half of the valid votes cast shall be elected. If no one has received more than half of the va-
lid votes cast, a run-off election shall be held between the two candidates who have received the most votes. The candidate who received the most
votes shall then be elected. In the event of an equal number of votes, the decision shall be made by drawing lots by the chairman of the meeting.
在选举中超过半数有效票数的被选举人当选。 如果没有人收到有效票数的一半以上,则得票最多的两位候选人将再进行决定性投票。 得票最多的人
10. Minutes shall be taken of general meetings and resolutions of the general meeting, and shall be signed by the respective minute taker. signed by
the respective keeper of the minutes. A keeper of the minutes is to be elected at the beginning of the general meeting.
§7 Composition, responsibilities and meetings of Board of Directors
(1). Composition of the Board of Directors:
1. The Board of the Association shall consist of the Chairperson and at least two Vice-Chairpersons. One of the two vice-chairmen shall also be the
treasurer. The chairman of the board is authorized to represent the association alone in external relations. The vice-chairman and the treasurer can
only represent the association jointly.
2. The board of directors is elected by the general meeting. Re-election is possible. The term of office of the first elected board is three years, thereaf-
ter two years. The board remains in office until a new board is elected.
理事会由大会选举产生。 可以重复选举。 第一届当选理事会的任期是三年,之后每届是两年。 理事会继续任职,直到重新举行选举。
3. The office of a member of the Executive Board shall end upon expiry of his term of office or by resignation. If a member of the Executive Board re-
signs before the end of his term of office, the General Meeting shall elect a substitute member for the remainder of the term of office of the resigning
4. If necessary, the Executive Board may form several working groups subordinate to it.
5. Members of the Board of Management who are legal entities shall be represented by their legal representatives or - to the extent permitted by law -
by a person authorized by them.
(2). Responsibilities of the Board of Directors:
The Board of Directors is responsible for all matters of the Association, unless they are assigned by. The Board of Directors is responsible for all matt-
ers of the Association, unless they are assigned to another body of the Association by law or by these Articles of Association. In particular, it has the
following tasks:
1. Creation and issuance of internal behavioral guidelines and business procedures
2. Preparation of plans for the further development of the association
3. Preparation and holding of the Annual General Meeting and the General Meetings as well as setting of the agenda
4. Presentation of the work report and the financial report at the Annual General Meeting
5. Execution of the decisions of the General Assembly
6. Granting and cancellation of memberships
(3). Board of Directors Meeting Schedule:
1. The Board of Directors shall adopt resolutions at meetings convened by the Chairman or, in his absence, by the Vice-Chairman; the agenda need
not be announced. The notice period for convening meetings is 10 days. The period shall commence on the working day following the date of dis-
patch. In the case of important events, a board meeting may be convened by a simple majority of the board members.
2. The Board of Management makes its decisions through the Board of Management meeting. This is convened and chaired by the Chairman of the
Board. The Board of Management is only capable of making decisions if more than half of the members of the Board of Management participate.
The Board makes its decisions by a two-thirds majority. The Board of Management may pass resolutions by written procedure and/or by telephone
and/or using electronic media if all members of the Board of Management agree.
§8 Compositing and responsibility of the secretariat
(1). The secretariat is responsible for the coordination and administration of everyday work and projects. The secretariat is appointed by the appointed.
The term of office of the first secretariat is 3 years, thereafter 2 years. The secretariat consists of a secretary general, who heads and manages the
secretariat. Secretariat, and two Deputy Secretaries General.
3 年,之后为2 年。建议秘书处设秘书长一名、副秘书长若干,施行秘书长负责制。
(2). The Board may call upon members of the Secretariat to attend its meetings, but the Secretariat shall have no voting power in the Board meetings.
(3). The Executive Board may issue rules of procedure for the Secretariat.
(4). The Secretariat has the following responsibilities:
1. Supporting the board of directors in organizing and preparing the general meetings and the board meetings
2. Supporting the board of directors in the execution of the decisions of the general meeting and the board of directors
3. Preparation of the annual work plan of the association
4. Financial management and preparation of the annual budget, the budget plan as well as the year-end report
5. Processing of applications for admission and notices of departure
6. Organization of applications from members of the association for technology projects with approval by the expert commission and the board of
7. Press and public relations work and planning of internal association events
8. Carrying out other tasks initiated by the general meeting or the board of directors
§9 Composition, terms of Reference and rules of procedure of the
Expert Commission
(1). Composition of the expert commission:
The Expert Committee is selected and appointed by the Board of Directors. The number of members is determined by the board. The Expert Comm-
ission advises the Association and is preferably composed of internationally recognized experts. The appointed experts remain members of the Exp-
ert Commission until they are recalled by the Board or until they inform the Board that they are no longer available as an expert for the Commission.
(2). Terms of reference of the expert commission:
1. Designation of technology pathways and strategic programs.
2. Ensure the technical quality of project proposals through discussions, expert opinions, reviews, and assessments
3. Advice, recommendations and proposals to the Board of Directors
(3). Meeting schedule of the expert commission:
The Expert Commission may hold meetings at irregular intervals, each of which must be attended by at least two-thirds of the members of the Comm-
ission. The meetings of the Expert Commission shall be held at the request of the Executive Board or the Secretariat. Decisions shall be taken by a
two-thirds majority of those present. If agreement is reached, a recommendation for action may be submitted to the Board.
§10 Asset management and principles of use
(1). The association is a non-profit organization.
(2). Use of the association's income: The use of the association's income essentially includes: all expenditures for the association's work, the organization
of events and other necessary and reasonable expenses.
(3). Management of the association's finances:
1. The income of the Association shall be deposited in a separate account by the Board of Directors or by a permanent institution of the Association on
behalf of the Board of Directors, and shall be managed. The funds are subject to constant control by the Board of Directors and a financial audit ap-
proved by the members.
2. The income and expenses of the Association are subject to an independent budgeting and accounting system. Care must be taken to ensure that
the accounting is legal, accurate, correct and comprehensive in all respects and strictly adheres to all financial accounting regulations and laws.
§11 Amendment of the Articles of Association
(1). All amendments to the Statutes shall be prepared by the Board and shall be subject to approval by the General Assembly.
(2). After the resolution to amend the Articles of Association has been passed by the General Meeting, the amendment to the Articles of Association shall
be promptly reported to the Register of Associations by the Executive Board.
§12 Dissolution procedure and possession management
(1). The dissolution of the association can only be decided in a general meeting with a majority of two thirds of the valid votes cast.
(2). Unless the General Meeting decides otherwise, the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairpersons shall be jointly authorized authorized liquidators.
(3). Before the dissolution of the Association, the final accounting is carried out by the Board of Directors. During the execution of the final settlement no
further activities will be carried out.
联盟解散之前,最后的清算将由理事会执行。 在执行最后清算期间,联盟不会进行进一步的活动。
(4). In the event of the dissolution of the Association or the discontinuation of tax-privileged purposes, the assets shall be transferred to a legal entity un-
der public law or another tax-privileged corporation for the purpose of promoting science and research.
Berlin, den 07.12.2020
Die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit der Satzung gemäß § 71 Abs. 1 S. 4 BGB wird versich